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Does domestic violence between parents affect the children?

In my perception I considered that domestic violence between parents affect the children because it is a sort of hell for them where their parents are bloodthirsty to each other and because of that they feel helpless at that time.

In many ways children experience domestic violence as they may hear one parent threaten or lay low the other, or can see a parent who is angry or scared. They may see one parent physically or mentally hurt other and cause injuries or destroy property & things.

They even be target of abuse this is very why child abusing increasing day by day in our society and last they may live with fear that something will happen again and eventually they may accustom of to facing a colossal problem.

Domestic violence is enhancing just because of some misappropriation between parents.

For example: Addicted to drinking alcohol or any other intoxic addiction, feeling of infatuation and obsession for other opposite sex, deceiving in relationship, misunderstanding and lack of love, are similar problem which increases domestic violence but despite knowing it parents leave no stone unturned to bother their children.

But what would be the aftermath? 

The children who are facing domestic violence can be victim of many diseases as they may complain of general aches and pains such as headaches and stomach aches. These children may show symptoms of Amnesia, Attention-deficit, amnesia. They may fall asleep in school due to lack of sleep at home which causes sleep deprivation and the most fierce thing is that they may take high risk to commit suicide and self abuse.

So succor your child from domestic violence and if your child already experienced it so you have to assured  them that you will never commit domestic violence again and make a strong relationship with the caring and become a responsible & nonviolent parent.

* In a nutshell I would like to say that through this topic I want to give this crucial message to all my viewers and specially parents that violence is only spoils relationship so give up your ego and love your children by sacrificing violence and give them a good education for their splendid future.

Thank you 😊

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