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Did we really understand the meaning of varna system in Hindu casteism?

we all are live in contemporary society, where some unsocial elements are exists who tarnishing the glory of hindu casteism because they judge another person according to their (CASTE/VARNA) not to works & attributes, But From the time immemorial (VARNA) was decided according to the occupation/gunas(attribute) of peoples.

VARNA:-(Type of people with respect to work.)

What is VARNA SYSTEM ???

In ancient India society was based upon the varna in which people were classified into four classes(VARNA) with relation to their aptitude and vocation and the four orders of society were recognized based upon the four duties of human beings and establish society accordingly.

  According to hindu mythology there are four varnas but our modern society invented one more varna which named as (UNTOUCHABLES).

Here I share this triangle which shows the varna according to their superiority and works.

  Here you can see that Brahmins,khsatriyas and vaishyas are categorised as (TWICE BORN GROUPS) which also known as 'DWIJA VARNA'.

Did you know that why shudras are not came in twice born catogrey?
 According to hindu mythology Shurdra is a foundation of human life Because a new born baby is by default shudra as the Gunas (attributes) are not developed & unknown about all the things which they need to be taught and nurtured. Varna gets automatically changed as proportion of Gunas change.

Most of the people in our society did not get the genuine meaning of this image of Lord Vishnu because they thought that he want to show that Brahmins are superior therefore they are on head and shudras are inferior so they are on foot which is totally wrong✖✖.

The genuine meaning of this image is that Lord vishnu is a metaphor and he present a group of people with there specific body part and want to share the importance of each four part of the body  for running the society systematically.

It is very shameful for us that the distribution between catogries are elivating discrimination, Injustice, Inequality in our society because some corrupt people in past change the meaning of varna and used it as surname. Notwithstanding today's so called modern society has mixed up varna caste concept (Deed (guna) based distinction) and Jati concept ( Type of tribe/ community).

In last I want to spread this message to my viewers that all the varna are equally important it is not necessary that a person who belongs to a shurdhra family can't become brahmin and kshirtya it's all depend on his/her attributes and deed.

Now i want to end this topic with some crucial line...

There is no superior caste the beings created by him were only divided into castes according to their Attributes(Gunas).
                         :-Shantiparva, Mahabharata

Thank you so much friends to visit my page, I hope you like this topic and In my next blog I'll share some examples which proves that anyone can change their varna according to there deed. 🙏🙏

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