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Leaders and leadership quality.

Hello friends, Today we are discussing about leaders and leadership quality which is very important to know for cementing our future.
I am not talking about political leaders I am just talking about 'Leader' .

Leaders are illumination of change. They question ideas and give answer to question nobody wants to. And it is not easy most of us would not even dare to raise their demand in front of others in any field and circumstances this is very why people needs leader to show them.

Now I am sharing some qualities of leader:

1- INITIATIVE (पहल करने वाला):

The ability to assess and initate the thing independently with confidence.

2-DETERMINATION (दृढ़ निश्चय):

The quality of having firmly decided to do something, even if it is very difficult.

3-ARTICULATION (शब्दों में अच्छी जोड़बंदी):

The way in which you pronounce words or produce sound or the way in which you express your feeling,view and ideas etc.

4-PRUDENCE (विवेक):

The quality of being prudent, careful or wise in handling practical matters or wisdom in practical matters.

5-PEDANTIC (पंडिताऊ):

Characterized by a narrow concern for book learning and formal rules or too worried about rules or details and also have experience of practical matters.

6-RHETORIC (अलंकार शास्त्र):

The art or study of using language effectively or persuasively. It is a skill of speaking or writing, especially the language of a particular subject.

7-COMMITMENT (प्रतिबद्धता):

 The state of being emotionally or intellectually devoted as to a belief, a course of action or another person.

8-HARMONIOUSNESS (सामंजस्यपूर्ण):

A relationship in which various components exist together without destroying one another. Leader should know how to maintain brotherhood.

9-INSPIRING ATTITUDE (प्रेरक रवैया):

A skill or attitude of motivating others in any critical circumstances and spreading a positive vibes which affects others.

10-CONFIDENCE (आत्मविश्वास):

Belief in the effectiveness of one's own abilities or in one's favorable acceptance by others, self confidence.

11-HONESTY (ईमानदारी):

The quality or condition of being honest, integrity, truthfulness, sincerity or trustworthiness.


Communication skills are the abilities you use when giving & receiving different kinds of information, new ideas & feelings. A leader should have effective communication skill to render a message.

13-DECISION MAKING CAPABILITY  (निर्णय लेने की क्षमता):

Decision making is a core skill that every leader will need to use at some stage in their career. It is a key skill in the workplace for everyone to make correct decision in any circumstances.

14-ACCOUNTABILITY (जवाबदेही):

The fact of being responsible for what you do and able to give a satisfactory reason for it, or the degree to which this happen.

15-RESPONSIBILITY (ज़िम्मेदारी):

A duty to take care of something, the cause of a particular action or situation or something that is your job or duty to deal with.

16-CREATIVENESS (सृजनात्मकता):

Creativeness is the power or ability to invent. It is a possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or het something done.


Innovativeness is the quality of being innovative and originality by virtue of introducing new ideas, or the ability to think and act independently.

18-EMPATHY (सहानुभूति):

The ability to imagine oneself in the condition of another or a vicarious participation in another's emotion and have deep sympathy for the sorrows of others.

19-FUTURISTIC VISION (भविष्य दृष्टि);

The leader should be prepared fir future troubles, so that his futuristic vision and his planning can help him in the most difficult circumstances.

20-CONTEMPORARY OUTLOOk (समकालीन दृष्टिकोण):

The leader should be wise as well as pay attention to his/her attire because clothes is the only thing which totally change our outlook and refine our persona.

21-UNBIASEDNESS (निष्पक्ष):

The leader should not have bias or prejudice nature, otherwise it could defame the image of leader.

22-RESOLUTION & PLANNING ABILITY (संकल्प और योजना की क्षमता):

The action of solving a problem, with an firm decision & have a accurate planning ability.

23-ATTENTIVENESS (सावधानी):

The action of paying close attention to something and should have politeness and courtesy.

24-COURAGE (साहस):

The ability to control fear in a situation that may be dangerous or unpleasant.

25-ORGANISING ABILITY (आयोजन क्षमता):

The leader should have organising ability to do  arrangements on preparation for an event or activity.

26-POWER OF EXPRESSION (अभिव्यक्ति की शक्ति):

The power of expression is the process of making known one's thoughts or feelings or in other words we can say that the leader should have the quality to show his/her emotion by his/her expression.

27-EFFECTIVE INTELLIGENCE (प्रभावी बुद्धिमत्ता):

Effective intelligence is the ability to acquire & apply knowledge or skill which changes the perception of others.

28-LIVELINESS (आजीविका)

It is the state of being pleasure and delight or create a happy ambiance.

29-SPEED OF MAKING DECISION (निर्णय लेने की गति):

The ability to make a firm & correct decision in any critical circumstances.

30-STAMINA (सहनशीलता):

The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort,endurance.

31-EMOTIONALLY STABLE (भावनात्मक रूप से स्थिर):

Leader should be emotionally stable otherwise he/she can easily provoked by someone and emotionally he/she can take wrong decision.

32-GOOD DRESSING SENSE (अच्छी ड्रेसिंग समझ):

It is a quality to have a good dressing sense which is necessary for a leader.

33-OPTIMISTIC (आशावादी):

The ability to be hopeful and confident about the future or something.

In last I want to say that ERR IS A HUMAN  and no one is perfect, so guys if you do not have these quality please do not feel demotivate because it takes time to develop but gradually you achieve it and one day you can proudly say that 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

This Topic suggested by my respect ma'am

                   CREDIT: MRS. NEELAM SHARAM


                       Thank you😊

And Please do not forget to give your crucial feedback in the comment box👇👇


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