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Is India is planning for seperate space station ?

In this contemporary world human being enhancing the technology day by day which is necessary for our proliferation but it is a type of rivalry where all countries want to defeat one another whether it is in economy or Technology field.
If we talk about the technology that it plays a crucial role in our daily life and it is a powerful weapon for any country.

But did you ever hear about space station?
If no so I give you some information about Space Station and also clear your all doubts with some easy examples .

Space Station

Space Station also known as an orbital station or an orbital Space Station it is a spacecraft which is capable of supporting crew members which is designed to remain in space for an extended period of time. In simple word we can say that it works as an emergency craft , fuel station and living place for astronauts & cosmonauts where they can stay comfortably and tackle with any problems which comes in space.

The Space Station contains the unique science laboratory because Earth contain atmosphere and particles which create hinder for astronauts because there are some experiments that cannot be done on earth that's why Astronaut use space station as an unique science laboratory.

As in 2019,one fully functioning space station is in earth orbit : the INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION. 
Orbital height : 330km
Orbital speed : 7.71km/s
Weight in earth : 4.5 lakh kg
Launched : 20 nov 1998
It was made by the space agency of many countries to tackle the problems in space.

In 2 nov 2000 first crew docks at the (ISS) International Space Station.


India plans to have its own Space Station, and modalites for it will be worked out after the first manned mission, Gaganyaan schedule for August 2022, K. Sivan, chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), said on Thursday
 (13 jun,2019) 
" we want to have a separate Space Station. we will launch a small module of microgravity experiments... that is our ambition", he said,  addressing the media . A detailed report would be submitted to the government after the Gaganyaan mission.

Dr. Sivan said the proposed Space Station is envisaged to weigh 20 tons and serve a facility where astronauts can stay for 15 - 20 days, and it would be placed in an orbit 400 km above earth. It means 70 km above than international Space Station. The time frame for launch is 5 - 7 years after Gaganyaan , he added. 
The ISRO would also join the International Space community for a manned mission to moon and beyond , Dr. Sivan said.

According to you, how long time it will take  India to make there own space station?

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